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 novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
:: واحـد من الناس ::
:: وصاحب المنتدى ::
:: ومديرالاقسام ::
:: واحـد من الناس :::: وصاحب المنتدى ::::   ومديرالاقسام  ::

المساهمات : 630
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/09/2008

novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258   novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258 Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 20, 2008 11:37 am

novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258 1517-240x180

novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258

برنامج احترافى للتعامل مع ملفات pdf النصية وتحديد مقاساتها والكتابة
فيها وتنسيقها وتحويل الملفات اليها والعديد ويستحق التجربة والتحميل من القرية التقنية
novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258

Using novaPDF you can easily create high quality PDF files in an
affordable and reliable way from any Windows application. It installs
as a virtual printer driver and its easy-to-use interface helps you
generate the PDF files by simply selecting the \\\\\\\"print\\\\\\\"
command from any application (you can convert your Word documents,
Excel sheets, PowerPoint presentations, AutoCad drawings, emails or web

Its purpose is to enable users to easily exchange electronic documents,
independently of the application in which they were initially created.
The resulted PDF files can be viewed on any computer with a PDF viewer
(reader) installed.

novaPDF Pro is a software that allows you to produce PDF files from printable documents.

You can password protect the PDF files you create and permissions can
be restricted to prevent the document from being viewed, printed,
modified, copied or annotated. Your PDF documents will be protected and
secured with 40-bit and 128-bit encryption algorithms.

novaPDF is compatible with Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server and requires
approximately 4MB of free disk space for the installation. It
doesn\\\\\\\'t require Adobe Acrobat or GhostScript to be installed to
generate the pdf file.

novaPDF can generate PDF files with embedded fonts. This means that
your PDF files can be read and printed on any system without
distributing your font separately, while maintaing the original
intended design.

novaPDF has a lot of features that allows you to: modify the paper size
(or create new custom page sizes for large format printing), modify the
resolution (from 72 to 2400 dpi), change page orientation (portrait,
landscape), fonts embedding (support for OpenType and TrueType),
compress text and images (zip and Jpeg compression allow the generation
of smaller output files) and lots more.

Using novaPDF, both individual users and businesses are able to create
PDF documents and easily share them, making the process of
collaboration more efficient.

· Create Standard PDF files

Creates 100% standard PDF files that can be viewed (or printed) using free PDF viewers (reader) (such

as Adobe Acrobat Reader).

· High-Quality searchable PDF

Creates high-quality searchable PDF files from all Microsoft Windows
applications that support printing, retaining the original layout of
the document.

· PDF Security and Document Protection

You can secure your PDF documents by requiring others to enter a
password in order to view or print the content of your document. Full
40-bit and 128-bit encryption is supported by novaPDF and the user is
able to control whether the PDF can be viewed, printed, modified,
copied or annotated.

· Network Printer Sharing (novaPDF Server)

novaPDF Server can be installed on one computer in a network
environment (printer server) and used by any other computer in that
network, without having to install it on each computer. Just share the
printer on the printer server and use it to create PDF files from any
other computer (can also be used on a Terminal Server or through Remote
Desktop Connection).

· Document Information

Set document information for PDF files (title, subject, author, keywords).

· PDF Links Support

novaPDF can recognize links to files and formatted URLs (starting with
\\\\\\\"http://\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"www\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"mailto:\\\\\\\"
or \\\\\\\"ftp://\\\\\\\") that are included in the original document,
and create them in the generated PDF file as links, so they can be
opened by clicking them in the PDF viewer.

· Send PDF via Email

You can configure novaPDF to automatically email the PDF files created.
novaPDF can send them using the default email client, or you can enter
the SMTP details and the PDF files will be sent directly from novaPDF,
without interfering with your email client.

· Multilanguage Support

You can choose a language for the interface of novaPDF during
installation or change it later from its menu. novaPDF is currently
available in more than 20 languages (see list). PDF Bookmarks

novaPDF can detect the headings in the document to be printed and add
bookmarks in the generated PDF files. You have to define the text
attributes for the document headings (font, size, style, color) and for
the generated bookmarks.

· PDF Watermarks

You can stamp an entire PDF (or individual pages from it) with an image
that can have transparency, rotation, opacity, color variation or other

· Private Profiles

Define different private profiles, each with its own settings for page
size, resolution, fonts, compression, document info and save settings.

· Public Profiles (novaPDF Server)

These public profiles are created on the server computer and are
automatically propagated to all client computers. You can configure
some profiles to save the PDF files in a folder on server and all
client computers will generate the PDF files in that folder.

· Does not Require 3rd Party Software

Users can create PDF files without the need for 3rd party software (like Adobe Acrobat or GhostScript).

· Optimized File Sizes

Images can be downsampled, converted or compressed to reduce the size
of the resulting pdf file. Text can be compressed or converted too.

· Font Embedding, Graphics Resolution and Page Size Controls

Supports font embedding for all TrueType and OpenType fonts. Users can
select the graphics resolution of the resulting PDF, and can control
PDF page size. novaPDF supports the creation of custom page sizes and
automatic scaling in inches, millimeters and points.

· International Character Support

Supports international character sets, enabling users to generate PDF
files using almost any Latin, Cyrillic or Asian character set.

· Integration

novaPDF allows users to create PDF files from virtually every Windows
application, accessing its functionality through a printer driver
interface. Once novaPDF is installed as the default printer, you can
simply click the \\\\\\\"Print\\\\\\\" button from any Windows
application to have your PDF created.

novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258 D_d_downloadتحميل البرنامج

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
:: واحـد من الناس ::
:: وصاحب المنتدى ::
:: ومديرالاقسام ::
:: واحـد من الناس :::: وصاحب المنتدى ::::   ومديرالاقسام  ::

المساهمات : 630
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/09/2008

novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258   novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258 Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 20, 2008 11:50 am

عفوا كلمة سر فك الضغط للبرنامج مخفية

والذين راح يشاركون فى هذا الموضوع

سترسل لهم رسالة خاصة

فيها كلمة سر فك الضغط للبرنامج

تحياتى ....
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

المساهمات : 46
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/09/2008

novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258   novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258 Emptyالإثنين سبتمبر 22, 2008 6:51 am

شكرا على البرنامج

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
novaPDF Pro 5.4 Build 258
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» novaPDF Server Pro 5.4 Build 258
» novaPDF Server Lite 5.4 Build 258
» Privacy Killer 2.0 Build 15
» Security Booster 3.0 Build 107
» My Notes Keeper 1.8.4 Build 843

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
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