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 Download Universal Shield 4.2

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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:: واحـد من الناس :::: وصاحب المنتدى ::::   ومديرالاقسام  ::

المساهمات : 630
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/09/2008

Download Universal Shield 4.2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Download Universal Shield 4.2   Download Universal Shield 4.2 Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 20, 2008 7:35 am

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Universal Shield 4.2

برنامج اخفاء الملفات والمجلدات وحتى البارتشن والدرايف وحمايتها
بكلمات مرور لحماية ملفاتك وافلامك من المتطفلين او اطفالك واصدقائك
واخوتك برنامج رائع يستحق التحميل والتجربة من القرية التقنية

Universal Shield 4.2

This application easily hides, protects, and encrypts your important data

Universal Shield by Everstrike Software is the ultimate protection
utility for your computer - hide files, folders, and drives, and set
access rules using flexible security combinations for your most
precious data.

A unique feature of Universal Shield is the perfect combination of data
hiding and encrypting. This feature is very important nowadays when
everybody knows that information is money, and information security and
protection is very important.

The program has been especially designed to be the most flexible
security tool on the market, suitable both for home use and in
corporate environments.

Universal Shield features include hiding files, folders, and drives on
a local computer from local users, including administrators; setting
access rights for particular files and disks; and preventing the
deletion of specific files. Password-protect your data, program
start-up, or program uninstall.

Secure your data not only from local users, but network and Internet
users as well. Use hotkeys to show and hide folders without actually
running the program. Or, run the program in Stealth mode so that other
users do not know about it. Set trusted processes, which will not be
under protection; for example, some program will work with the hidden
data, but users are

unable to access that data.

The new Universal Shield includes a variety of new features. Data
encryption is processed with the help of nine algorithms. A variety of
security tricks is available as well - you can prohibit access to
folders like My Documents, Favorites, and History, as well as restrict
access to the Control Panel, or prevent desktop and date/time

The new version also contains a wizard, which includes an option of
restricting personal folders and settings, as well as
files/folders/drives protection, a hiding expert, and a data encryption

· Ability to hide files, folders, drives, or network drives from all other

· users (including the administrator).

· Encrypts files and folders.

· A mask that allows you to hide file groups (for example, c:*.doc).

· Ability to set permissions (Read, Write, Visibility, Delete) for any files,

· folders, and drives. For example, you can make your files Read Only and make it impossible to delete them.

· An access lock on your private folders and settings (My Documents, Favorites,Control Panel, Internet History, and so forth).

· A protection wizard.

· Password protection for files, folders, and drives.

· Unlimited number of objects to protect.

· Access restrictions on your data against local network users as well as

· Internet users.

· Password-protected start of Universal Shield.

· Password-protected uninstall of Universal Shield.

· Use of hot keys to start Universal Shield and to change the protection mode from other Windows applications.

· Trusted processes that allow you to specify the process that can override the protection.

· Stealth Mode that allows you to hide the program from other people.

· Ability to lock your Windows desktop so that users cannot delete, add, or

· modify the shortcuts and icons on your desktop.

· Adds files and folders via an Explorer menu command.

· Enables protection automatically if the computer has been idle.

· Protects files and folders even in Windows Safe Mode.

· High-level protection.

· High performance rates.

· Multilingual interface.

· Support of FAT, FAT32, and NTFS systems.

· Note: Universal Shield does not change the file structure of the
data, does not move the protected data, and does not change Windows
system files. You cannot lose your files.

Download Universal Shield 4.2 D_d_downloadتحميل البرنامج

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
:: واحـد من الناس ::
:: وصاحب المنتدى ::
:: ومديرالاقسام ::
:: واحـد من الناس :::: وصاحب المنتدى ::::   ومديرالاقسام  ::

المساهمات : 630
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/09/2008

Download Universal Shield 4.2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Download Universal Shield 4.2   Download Universal Shield 4.2 Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 20, 2008 10:41 am

عفوا كلمة سر فك الضغط للبرنامج مخفية

والذين راح يشاركون فى هذا الموضوع

سترسل لهم رسالة خاصة

فيها كلمة سر فك الضغط للبرنامج

تحياتى ....

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Download Universal Shield 4.2
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